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SmartAgriFood . The project SmartAgriFood is dealing with the Future Internet and identifies opportunities for improving agriculture, food chain logistics and food transparency through emerging potentials of the Future Internet. It is organized as a PPP project and is a first in a sequence of projects that eventually lead to large scale implementations of utilizing functionalities of the Future Internet in the food sector. More: www.smartagrifood.eu/

TransFOP. The project TransFOP is funded through the FP7 program of the EU and can be considered an extension of the project Transparent_Food. Its focus is on transparency in pricing along the food value chain. The consideration of emerging value adding characteristics of food products might require investments and cause costs that could change the distribution of costs along the food value chain. As a consequence, the actual distribution of market prices along the chain might no longer reflect the changes in costs. The project will make this situation apparent and identify opportunities for improvements in value adding characteristics along value chains and resulting consequences for costs. More: www.transfop.eu/

FoodSEG. The project FoodSEG builds on working groups. Its focus is on identifying research needs towards improvements in food safety. More: www.foodseg.eu/

FIspace. The project FIspace aims at the development and testing of Apps and a communication platform that, together, allow the organization of chain-encompassing IT based transparency solutions. The project deals with trials in the following sectors: Fruits and Vegetables, Flowers and Plants, Meat, Fish, and Consumer Goods. More: www.fispace.eu

FInish. The project builds on the FIspace project and aims at the organization of about 30-40 subprojects that develop operational solutions for the Food Sector using FIspace developments as a basis.
More: www.finish-project.eu

Engagement in EU projects of associated partner ‘FoodNetCenter’, University of Bonn

Transparent_Food. The focus of Transparent-Food is on the analysis of the state-of-the-art in Food System Transparency with regard to consumers, industry, and policy and the identification of future research needs in support of future European research initiatives.
More: www.transparentfood.eu

NETGROW. Strategic network learning is of crucial importance for innovation as it enables the food company to expand its resource base and to absorb new trends and technologies. It is observed that food SMEs often fail in establishing a strategic and efficient network. This project sheds new light on this issue by combining research actions at two levels: the focal company level, investigating how attitudes and preferences determine the food SME.s individual network behaviour in order to achieve business objectives. The network level, investigating the functioning of the network as a whole and how this results in innovation and economic growth and how network stakeholders can make the network better performing. The project combines scientific research with developing network learning tools of practical use to food SMEs, network organizations and policy makers. More: www.netgrow.eu

MoniQA. Monitoring and Quality Assurance in the Food Supply Chain. A globalised economy has rapidly increased international trade of a large variety of foods and food products. Consumer satisfaction and health are of utmost importance. Ensuring high quality and safety of food requires powerful and reliable tools and methods for food analysis and control. The MONIQA NoE integrates key organisations across the food supply chain around the world to find acceptable solutions for all stakeholders including the consumer, food manufacturers, food research institutes and regulatory bodies. More: www.moniqa.org

Cuteloop. Using Networked Devices enabled Intelligence for Proactive Customers Integration as Drivers of the Integrated Enterprise. The strategic objective of CuteLoop is to explore how Intelligent Networked Devices such as enhanced RFID-based systems, can be used to effectively „integrate customers within an Integrated Enterprise‟ and with this provide an important step towards вeal‟ Integrated, Real Time Enterprise. Such integrated real time enterprise, having customers as inte-grated drivers, needs, on one side, highly flexible and dynamics business interconnections to react dynamically and agile, on the other side a highly intensive and just-in-time ex-change of knowledge/experience among Large Enterprises (Les), SMEs and customers. More: www.cuteloop.eu

Engagement in EU projects of associated partner ‘proQuantis

SALSA. The SALSA overall objective is to contribute to tackle Latin America countries’ eco-challenges (deforestation, CO2 emission, reduced biodiversity, water-air-soil pollution, reduction in food security) related to farm production and food chain relationships between Latin America and the EU and to enhance the food chains’ value added and competitiveness. More: www.salsa.eu